

The Spanish Association for Standardization, UNE, is legally designated as the National Standardization Body of Spain since 1987. It is the national representative and member on the European (CEN and CENELEC), International (ISO and IEC) and Pan-American (COPANT) Standards Organizations, and member of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). As a part of the standardization activities, UNE is very active in integrating standardization in R&I projects, with experience in more than 100 funded European and national projects and also provides support, information and training to Europe-wide R&I actors.

Contribution to FlexCrash

UNE supports Flexcrash in all aspects related to standardization, from the start to the end of the project and beyond. Especially, by identifying existing standards, engaging with standardization organizations, identifying standardization potential of project results and promoting the growth of new standards covering Flexcrash outcomes. The aim is contributing to transfer new knowledge, increasing the impact of the project, especially among industry, society and public authorities.
